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丹妮尔·帕塔克(Danielle Pathak)

丹妮尔·帕塔克(Danielle Pathak)


Have you ever gone to bed and thought, “I have nothing more to do.您上过床睡觉想过:“我无事可做。 Everything is done…”一切都完成了……”  

Oh, that's right.哦是的You haven't.你还没有I haven't either.我也没有  

We live in a culture of more, more, more.我们生活在越来越多的文化中。 It's difficult to say no and our bodies and souls pay the price.很难说不,我们的身心付出了代价。 We are maxed and overcommitted, dreaming of the next vacation where we can relax.我们精力充沛,精力充沛,梦想着在下一个假期可以放松身心。  

Pastors can be the worst workaholics there are!牧师可能是最糟糕的工作狂! I have been in pastoral ministry all my adult years and have had seasons of exhaustion that have been overwhelming.我成年以来一直在牧区工作,精疲力竭的季节令人难以置信。 But one of the keys to my spiritual vitality was discovering the ancient practice of Sabbath.但是,我精神活力的关键之一就是发现古代的安息日习俗。 

First, I found I had to examine my trust issues.首先,我发现我必须检查我的信任问题。 Learning to rest in a busy world requires trusting in a God who stands above it all, who holds all in his hands.要学会在繁忙的世界中安息,就需要相信一个站在一切之上的上帝,他掌握一切。 We often struggle to trust God cares about our minds, bodies, and hearts not just what we produce.我们常常难以相信上帝关心我们的思想,身体和内心,而不仅仅是我们的生产。 He invites us into this rhythm of rest because it reminds us we are more than what we accomplish.他邀请我们进入这种休息的节奏,因为它提醒我们我们比成就更重要。 

A day of intentional rest was approved from the beginning, marked as “good” and has real power when honored.有意休息的一天从一开始就被批准,标记为“好”,并在受到尊重时具有真正的力量。 The God of the Universe teaches us to sabbath.宇宙之神教我们安息日。 He didn't need to pull back on the last day of creation but he still did because he wanted us to rest, observe, and celebrate.他不需要在创作的最后一天退缩,但他仍然愿意这样做,因为他希望我们休息,观察和庆祝。 

The problem is we live in a culture that encourages more responsibility and more commitments;问题在于我们生活在一种鼓励更多责任和更多承诺的文化中; The busier you are the more important you must be!您越忙,您就越重要! There is a gravitational pull towards acting as if we are gods ourselves, pushing past real limits and boundaries.就像我们自己是神一样,有一种引力作用,超越了真实的界限和界限。 真正的安息日始于承认限制。 


丹妮尔·帕塔克(Danielle Pathak) 分享

沃尔特·布鲁格曼(Walter Brueggemann)在他的著作《作为抵抗的安息日》中观察到“第七天的神圣安息已经清楚地表明(a)耶和华不是工作狂;(b)耶和华对创造的全部功能并不焦虑;(c)创造的福祉并不取决于无限工作设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“  

In Sabbath, we say no to work and the addiction to answering texts and emails.在安息日,我们说不工作,并且对回复短信和电子邮件沉迷。 We say no to the tyranny of the urgent people and situations that demand our attention.我们对需要引起我们注意的紧急人民和局势的暴政表示拒绝。 

Preparing for Sabbath starts by looking at our schedules;准备安息日首先要看我们的时间表。 what 8, 12, or ultimately 24 hour time period could you set aside?您可以预留XNUMX、XNUMX或最终XNUMX小时的时间段? 


In my family, we lightheartedly use the Sabbath prayer from Fiddler on the Roof and sing it together as we make pasta from scratch!在我的家人中,我们轻松地使用屋顶上Fiddler的安息日祈祷,并在从头开始制作意大利面时一起唱歌! This is the most important appointment of our week and I encourage us to fiercely protect this space.这是本周最重要的约会,我鼓励我们大力保护这一空间。 It should be rare that this gets disrupted.这很少被破坏。 

Once you have carved the space, how do you use the time thoughtfully?雕刻完空间后,如何周到地利用时间? 3 main ingredients to a meaningful Sabbath are rest, delight, and contemplation.有意义,安息日的三个主要因素是休息,愉悦和沉思。 

Like with any great recipe, this can be adjusted to taste.像任何出色的食谱一样,可以根据口味进行调整。 Certain weeks will require more rest if you are exhausted, delight if you are drained, or worship if you long to connect with Jesus.如果您精疲力竭,则某些星期需要更多的休息,如果您精疲力尽,则需要更多的休息,或者如果您渴望与耶稣建立联系,则需要敬拜。 


  • 休息:我感觉有多累? How can I rest my body, my mind, and my heart?我该如何休息自己的身体,思想和心脏? Where do I feel resistance or see obstacles?我在哪里感到阻力或看到障碍?
  • :我目前如何练习快乐和喜悦? (考虑一下 快乐堆叠 摘自Comer的《无情地消除匆忙》)
  • 沉思:我在与上帝的关系中是如何故意的? Are there practices of gratitude for my life or longer spaces of prayer, worship, and reflection that lead to intimacy with Jesus?是否有对我一生的感激之情,或较长的祷告,敬拜和反思空间导致与耶稣亲密?

How are you trusting in God as he is giving you a wonderful gift in Sabbath?当神在安息日给你精美的礼物时,你如何信任神? Try it this week!本周尝试一下! 

Sabbath was never meant to be an individual practice.安息日绝不是个人习惯。 Stay tuned for part 2 on what it looks like to do this with family or your church community.请继续关注第XNUMX部分,与家人或您的教会社区一起这样做的样子。 


丹妮尔·帕塔克(Danielle Pathak)

丹妮尔·帕塔克(Danielle Pathak)在20多岁时成为了葡萄园教会的主持人,目前是科罗拉多州丹佛市Mile High Vineyard教会的灵性牧师。 她喜欢通过建立个人生活规则的框架来强调牧师领导者的生活,强调每日/每周的节奏。 安息日已成为她最喜欢的属灵习俗之一,因为它涉及她的丈夫和两个十几岁的女儿,自制意大利面和优质葡萄酒。  


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我最近与另一位牧师进行了一次谈话,谈到在事工中保持情绪健康是多么困难。 我已经有了