We can help you explore God’s call.
We have a process that invests in you.
We support you & your church to multiply.
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Equipping NEW planters to launch NEW churches to reach NEW people.
Thank you for exploring the Vineyard movement as you discern the Lord’s leading for you and your church.
As you get started, we want to invite you to view the adoption process through several key lenses by asking yourself a few basic questions:
1. Tribe: Ultimately, what tribe is the Lord calling you to be a part of? There are so many great movements that you could consider joining up with, so what would make the Vineyard stand out as “your tribe”?
2. Values: What values do you hold dearest and how do you see those or not see those on display in the midst of the Vineyard movement?
3. Expectations: If you made a decision to adopt into the Vineyard, what expectations would you have of the area leader, regional leader, and the national movement as a whole?
These expectations are important to be honest with yourself about as well as letting those key people know so they can give you honest feedback before you make a decision.
4. Building relationship before making a commitment: Because the Vineyard is grounded primarily in relationships and our core values, we think this process should be rooted in you getting to know key pastors and overseers in your area and taking the necessary time to feel comfortable enough to say “these people feel like our family”.
Please take all the time you need to be with other leaders and pastors in the Vineyard so you have a good sense of if this is the right decision for you and your church. We think this decision should be made over months of consideration, consultation, and prayer.
As you begin to work through the process and meet with various leaders please let us know how we can help you as you are on this journey. Our goal is to ensure this is a positive experience for you and your church, regardless of the outcome you arrive at. Contact us.
The Vineyard is a relational movement. If you’re interested in becoming part of the Vineyard family, the first step is to connect with a local Vineyard pastor to help you determine if the Vineyard is the right fit.