We can help you explore God’s call.
We have a process that invests in you.
We support you & your church to multiply.
Find the training program that best suits you.
Equipping NEW planters to launch NEW churches to reach NEW people.
A self assessment designed to help you discern whether church planting might be for you.
If you suspect God might be inviting you into something more in ministry—maybe church planting, becoming a ministry leader or multi-site pastor, or something else—then a great first step is to invite some trusted leaders into a process of discerning together where God is leading you.
To use this tool, take some time to prayerfully read over these 10 questions that highlight core competencies of successful church planters. Ask God about the gifts he’s given you and mark down how you see yourself embodying these characteristics. After you click submit, we’ll email you a copy of your answers and the questions.
Then we recommend that you get together with your pastor to look over your responses and have some honest conversation about your particular strengths and weaknesses, and where God might be inviting you to participate in ministry. Ask the leaders in your life for assignments, so you can develop in areas that aren’t currently a strength for you. We’ll also give you a call in the next few days to talk through your next steps.
Taking the time to listen for God’s direction with the leaders he has placed in your life is very healthy for your discernment process.
Note: Multiply Vineyard resources are free and accessible for anyone to use, but our process to plant is only for church planting in the United States. If you are discerning a call to church plant outside the United States, please contact your country’s Association of Vineyard churches or Vineyard Missions.
You might also be interested in a free Discover course to help you discover if God is calling you to plant a Vineyard church as well as what God is calling you to in the larger sense.