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Multiply Vineyard

Multiply Vineyard

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This summer, we connected with Multiply Vineyard Summit speakers Renee Cunningham and Charles Montgomery. As we asked them to share about their church planting experiences a theme of investing in community and avoiding isolation emerged.

We invite you to check out their stories and then, if you’re looking for community like that, join us for the Multiply Vineyard Summit January 14-16 in San Luis Obispo, Ca. Learn more here.

Renee Cunningham - Campus Pastor, Neighborhood Vineyard, Chicago, IL

“I understood that I wasn’t doing this in isolation or doing this in my region. I was doing this as part of what God was doing across the board in the Vineyard. 

One of the places we get stuck is because this is hard, we think no on else is experiencing it….We think surely no one understands…That’s not true! We don’t want to pastor or plant that way.”

Charles Montgomery - East Campus Pastor for the Columbus Vineyard, Pickerington, OH

“In my experience, when the Lord is putting something on your heart, you have a tendency to feel like you’re isolated. You can be like Elijah and say, Lord I’m the only one. When you actually get in community with other brothers and sisters that have similar vision, you have an opportunity to experience the idea that iron sharpens iron.”

Be encouraged, inspired, and equipped for whatever your role in multiplication is right now. Join us for fresh content, engaging speakers, and opportunities to build new relationships with those doing similar kingdom work.
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