Small Town
Justin Juntunen

Best Practices For Outreach in Small Town USA

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] What does the great commission look like in the context of your town? How are you reaching your neighbor? How are you involved

Luke Geraty

Outreach Basics For Small Towns

How do we continue the ministry of Jesus? It happens when our churches become outward-focused communities that aim to be outposts of the kingdom of

man walking through the city
Bi-vocational ministry
Joel Seymour

What You Need To Know About Being Bi-vocational

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Bi-vocational ministry is becoming more prevalent as pastors around the world are answering God’s call. If you’re discerning a call to bi-vocational ministry,

Small Town
Lindsey Gatlin

How to do EDLD in a Small Town

Imagine a weekend in May where a group of Jesus followers have come together to discuss what it means to do church in their context.

Small Town

Small Start. Big Impact.

“This is the first conference we’ve been to where we’ve felt understood” the couple standing in front of me said with tears in their eyes.

Small Town
Small Town USA

10 Things I Learned in Maine

So I’m finishing this journey with breakfast at the same table I had breakfast at four days ago –  at the Baltimore airport. I joined