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From the Cause Blog: What is the Cause Conference…and Why Come?

Justin Juntunen

Justin Juntunen

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As many of you are reading this, you are probably wondering, “What’s so great about the Cause Conference that I should rearrange my life to come to it?”

I’m so glad you asked.

The Cause Conference is a unique chance to gather with other followers of Jesus who want to see first hand why the kingdom of God is worth living and dying for. We worship together, pray for each other, and delve into what God says our lives are really meant for. It seems like every single time we put on one of these conferences, God shows up to speak calling and purpose and gifting into hundreds of lives. Really, this is for anyone who wants to take the risk of letting their lives get rearranged by the kingdom of God.


Jerry Lanier, Mile High Vineyard event coordinator, has already been to four Cause Conferences and has this to say about the experience:

“There is something truly special about investing your time and your energy and your money in being in spaces with other people who are trying to discover what God has called us to do. The personal results are often amplified by the investment in community and doing that together. You really should attend one of these!”

So do you want to explore the ways God is calling you? The commitment of your time, money, and resources towards joining others in this experience could have long-lasting and far-reaching effects in your life, in a really good way. God is going to call people out to participate in what he doing in the world; to plant churches, become missionaries, preach powerfully, heal the sick, and make disciples in every sphere of life. Don’t miss it!

Find out more here!

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