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Michael Gatlin

Michael Gatlin

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Classic encouragement from John Wimber, 1986

I did some short T.V. programs which I called Doin’ the Stuff. Since that time I have reflected on all that this could mean. For a significant part of the Church, it means learning to live a moral upright life. The main interest is on learning to do what Paul and the other New Testament authors exhort us to do in regards to morality. This is often posited to us by dealing with the things we should not be doing (Galatians 5:19-21).

While we do well to delete these from our lifestyle, Doin’ the Stuff certainly includes more than this.

Several years ago God called me to include another area of living, which was surely being neglected by the Church. I was to learn to do all the things that Jesus did and taught his disciples to do.

As I look back, I realize that I now have a full canon at hand, where before I was often limited to only doing what was recorded in the letters.

In my opinion, Doin’ the Stuff includes all that Jesus taught, as well as all that Paul and others taught us to do. My continued encouragement is to learn to Do The Stuff.

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