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Let’s Get Together in Columbus!

Justin Juntunen

Justin Juntunen

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…At our Booth

The whole Multiply Vineyard team is getting ready for the Vineyard Global Family Conference coming up in July, and we’re looking forward to meeting lots of you there! You can find us at the Multiply Vineyard booth all throughout the conference. We’ll have something different happening there every day. Please stop by as often as you want!

And, Michael has been working diligently on a handcrafted leather coaster for each Vineyard pastor who want to multiply his or her church. We hope to have enough for everyone, but you never know how long such a special treat may last. So come by our booth early and claim you gift by making a commitment to multiply your church!

…Over Lunch

We’ve got opportunities every day for different groups of pastors and church planters to get together for lunch. It can be so encouraging and refreshing to sit down with others who share similar vision and challenges as you have.

Here’s the lunch schedule:

Click on any one of the lunches to RSVP.

…With a Coach

Have you experienced coaching in the Vineyard yet (And no, it’s nothing like the coaching you remember from the soccer team you were on in 7th grade)? If not, you have to try it! You’ll be amazed at how helpful it can be. We’re offering coaching appointments to pastors, site pastors, planters, planters-to-be, and just about anyone else who wants to see what coaching in the Vineyard is all about. Come by the booth to sign up.

….At our Party in the Park!

Those of you who were at the 2013 National Conference in Anaheim might remember the post-conference party that Multiply Vineyard put together just as fondly as we do. We had 300 pastors and their families come to party on the beach! So this year, we’re headed to the park—Blendon Woods Park, to be exact. We’ll be there on July 10th from 11am-4pm. There will be great food, of course, and great company. RSVP here so we can end this year’s conference with a bang!

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