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Both-And: Living the Christ-Centered Life in an Either-Or World

Michael Gatlin

Michael Gatlin

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mZ1K83CqM7GVeXgGVOK_hOwI just finished reading this book and wanted to give it a hearty recommendation. To be honest, I haven’t really done this before and no one asked me to…it’s a topic I deeply care about. So here it goes…

We seem to live in a culture where we love our dichotomies, even if they are false. It doesn’t seem to matter what folks are discussing, we tend to rush toward quick and often unhelpful characterizations of each other’s views, constantly pitting ourselves against the other.

This isn’t an easy road to navigate. One the one hand, it is so easy to use our dichotomies, or differences to define who we think we are. We separate and define ourselves as different and apart from others. And on the other, we can  tend to minimize the differences and end up betraying the foundational beliefs we stand for.

In the book Both-And, Rich Nathan and Insoo Kim help us understand there is a value in the tension of being faithful to our convictions and present in the grace our faith compels. The message of the Kingdom of God is that we should never expect to be confirmed, but instead transformed by our faith. This book helps us see that there is beauty in the message, and the tension, of the bible. It is an engaging and challenging read and a great reminder of what really matters. Click here to find out more!



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