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How to Reach the Spiritually Dissatisfied in your Community

David Hinman

David Hinman

Associate Pastor, Gilbert Vineyard
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Are you thinking about ways to engage people in your community who are not interested in traditional models of church? We are too! Watch this a conversation with author Roy Moran and Vineyard pastor David Hinman on how attractional and missional models can work together. Get practical next steps to begin to develop and multiply disciples in every segment of your city or town.

What You’ll Learn:

  • The scorecard for success in reaching your community
  • The definition of a Disciple Making Movement
  • Practical steps to begin to multiply disciples in every segment of your city


Listen to the Audio 

“Jesus asks us in John 14 & 15 to actually obey his teachings, not just agree with them.” —Roy Moran


5:49 Defining the terms: what is a hybrid church
15:47 The tensions doing this in the Western World 
18:30 The scorecard of a healthy church
24:19 What is DMM
26:53 Getting multiplication into the DNA of your church
32:58 What are Discovery Groups?
37:02 Obedience based discipleship
41:05 How to start using DMM
46:12 Q & A

“Our chief metric is multiplication.” —Roy Moran


Spent Matches: Igniting the Signal Fire for the Spiritually Dissatisfied by Roy Moran
Are you called to more leadership? What if 10 simple questions could change the trajectory of your life?
Disciple Making Movements Resources at Multiply Vineyard
The Great Evangelical Recession
Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousedale
How your Church Can Change the Story of your Community – Thursday, October 11 at 1pm CT
Multiply Vineyard Summit: January 8-10 in Miami, FL
Contact David

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