Church Planting Story
Justin Juntunen

Shari Luebbert’s Story

In this profile, I love how Shari’s personality not only comes through, but how it turns up as a key part of how God is

Church Planting Story
Justin Juntunen

Dave Garrett’s Story

One thing I love about reading and editing these stories, is that every church and every church planter is unique. In this case, Dave Garrett

Church Planting Story
Justin Juntunen

Cody Busick’s Story

Next up in our series of church planter stories: Cody Busick of the Coastlands Vineyard in Morro Bay, CA. I love how Cody boils church

Church Planting Story
Justin Juntunen

Jason Verduzco’s Story

Here’s the second in our series of church planter stories! This time, we hear from Jason Verduzco and Vineyard 509 in Spokane, Washington. Jason’s enthusiasm

Church Planting Story
Justin Juntunen

Wade and Laurie Varieur’s Story

Last year we sent out questionnaires to all our new church planters so we could get a sense of their story   and what their churches