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Church Planting Round Tables

Justin Juntunen

Justin Juntunen

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Join us for two round table discussions this week:

On Thursday, November 13th from 10am-1pm MST, Jay Pathak and I will be hosting a church multiplication round table for senior pastors who are interested in learning about the process of healthy church multiplication. We will discuss the discernment process, identifying and training church planters, and more.

On Thursday, November 13th from 12pm-4pm MST, Jay Pathak and I will be hosting a church multiplication round table for potential and current church planters. It will be a highly interactive time to help give you the tools to empower you as you think through the next key steps in starting and growing a church plant. We will be answering questions like…

  • How do I identify and train leaders?
  • How do I avoid burn out?
  • What resources are available to help?

I hope you can join us!

We’re also live blogging too!

If you have a question, post it in the comment section and we’ll get it answered!

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