Starters are people who wonder if they have what it takes to plant a church.

Starters are people who have settled the issue of calling and now wonder if they have what it takes to plant a church. Starters are unique because they have an internal calling to plant, often accompanied by external witnesses to their calling—but they aren’t sure if they can actually do it.

Stages of the process


Vineyard Church Planters are people who long to see the gospel extended and bring transformation to a new community.

Planters are folks who aren’t always content with what already exists, rather they have an entrepreneurial bent. They want to start new things. They want to challenge the status quo. They are collaborators and equippers at heart. They live for the lost and seek Gospel saturation in their city or town. If that sounds like someone in your church, you may want to begin to discern with them if church planting is what God is calling them to. 

To begin this stage, invite the potential planter to take the 10 Questions, a self-assessment to help them get perspective on how their gifts and abilities align with what’s necessary for church planting. These questions are intended to be a starting point for a conversation between the two of you. Then have them begin a conversation with us by scheduling a call with us.

Then we will invite the planter to start the Discover Process with Stadia.

The Discovery Process helps determine a planter’s calling, aptitude and readiness. In addition to receiving a spiritual call to church plant, we want to make sure the planter is best suited and most prepared for the incredible task at hand. Stadia’s Discovery Process involves three Phases:

  • Exploration
  • Discernment
  • Discovery


More on Vineyard Church Planting

What Vineyard Church Planting Looks Like

Stories of church planters who are transforming their communities with diverse expressions of Vineyard churches. The different models, methods, and people that make up Vineyard Churches.