Discerning an invitation from God is no small task, and we're not meant to do it alone.
Even though we might experience a sudden flash of clarity, a thoughtful process of discernment will help to sustain us over the long-haul of ministry. We’ve developed a relational discernment process to help accomplish just that.
The process may confirm your call to church planting or it may reveal that God is actually calling you to another type or area of ministry. The process can also assess and highlight your strengths and weaknesses and point to opportunities for further training, education, or healing so you can be better equipped for the challenges of planting a church.
Ultimately, we want to help each person who comes to us to find God’s perfect fit for their lives and gifts at a particular season of life. We want to hear God’s voice alongside you. Therefore, consider the discernment process an extended act of pastoral care between you, a local overseeing pastor, and regional and national representatives of the Multiply Vineyard team.

Ben Folman | Discernment Specialist
Along with his role as Process Coordinator for Multiply Vineyard, Ben serves as the pastor of Discipleship and Administration at the Mile High Vineyard. Prior to these roles, Ben led the Westminster Vineyard and the Salida Vineyard. Having experienced his own church planting process, he understands how valuable good support is for planters. If you have any questions, please get in touch.