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Small Town USA

Go to where the humans are

How can you get involved with planting a church in a Small Town?

Small Town USA is a group of churches teaming up to plant Vineyard churches in small towns across America.

How will we do this?

  • Engage Area Leaders and churches with the goal of starting church planting triads (3 churches partnering with each other and coaching one another towards planting a new church)
  • Encouraging methods that lead to disciples of Jesus making disciples. This is not only Biblical; it is foundational to sustainable leadership development. From that group, we can identify future planters.
  • Equip planters for the unique challenges of small town planting with blogs, webinars, and conferences.

Small Town Resources

Looking for resources as a small town planter or pastor? Check out this list of resources we've assembled just for you.

More from the blog on Small Town USA >

Michael Houle | Small Town USA

Michael has pastored the Valley Vineyard in a small town in Northern Wisconsin for the past 11 years. If you're Interested in church planting in a small town, Michael would love to talk to you about how we're planting churches in rural areas across the US.

Free eBook: Why Start a Triad

Learn about this model for church planting partnerships in the Vineyard.