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English Español 简体中文

Course Template


It is great that you are beginning the Discover Intensive online course here at MultiplyVineyard.org. The purpose of this intensive is to help you process whether God is calling you to plant a Vineyard church by answering the questions: “What is God calling me to do in the larger sense?” and “What might God be calling me to in relationship to church planting?”

Many students will engage with this online course while also connecting with a small group or pastor at their local church. We encourage you to interact with the material here online, through interaction in your local church, and under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

This intensive is broken up into 5 sessions. Each Session will include a brief quiz at the end to help your learning. For all other sessions just click “complete” at the bottom of the page as you finish each lesson.When you are enrolled in the course you are able to pickup where you left off at any point. You also have the ability to leave comments below each lesson for any thoughts or questions that arise as you engage with the material.

If you have any technical issues please email us directly here.


Get Started:

1. Reflect:

Take a moment to consider why you are here and what you want to get out of this training. Write it down.


2. Pray:

Pray about what you would like God to clarify for you as you complete this course.

3. Download:

For students, download student guide to help you follow along in your learning.

OPTIONAL: For pastors, download the facilitator guide here.



Download Student Guide
Download Facilitator Guide

Start Learning: