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Church Planting Partnerships

No church is expected to go it alone!

In a church planting partnership, churches work together and share resources to accomplish what none of them could do alone.

A church planting partnership consists of pastors and churches who voluntarily come together to plant churches in a specific target area; these areas may be geographic, demographic, or interest-based. Together, along with the people living in the target areas, partnerships develop a vision, develop strategic plans, and set specific goals towards starting churches in neighboring towns and cities.

Planting churches is without question a difficult road to walk down, and many pastors and church leaders hesitate to try it for fear of not having enough of resources to pull it off effectively. The time, energy, people, and financial commitments can seem overwhelming and, for some, make planting churches seem impossible. Partnering with other Vineyard pastors and leaders addresses these issues. 

Every single Vineyard church can be a parent and a partner. 

Want more information about church planting partnerships or triads? Get in touch.

How to being a church planting partnerships
  • Start With Those You Know. What other Vineyard pastors do you know who might be interested in partnering with you to plant a new church? 

  • Ask your Area Leader if you can share at your next area meeting about your partnership and if possible invite your Area Leader to join you in the partnership.

  • Speak to your Area Leader and Multiply Vineyard Regional Representative about churches in your area that might have already inquired about increasing their church planting involvement.

  • Think of creative ways of exposing other pastors to what you believe God is doing and how he’s calling you, your church, and your partnership to be involved. Great leaders begin by modeling the vision at home.

  • Provide your potential partners with quality resource materials such as books, webinars, or videos that have inspired your interest in church planting. Multiply Vineyard and Vineyard resources would be glad to point you to more resources.

  • Face-to-face conversations work best whenever possible. Take a day and go visit Vineyard pastors who might be interested.

If you want to go fast—go alone. If you want to go far—go together.”

African Proverb

Free eBook: Why Start a Triad

One effective method of partnerships are church planting triads. A triad is a group of 3 pastors who share a common vision and work together to plant churches.