Sending Pastor Recommendation

The Sending Pastor Recommendation is based on the 12 Characteristics of a Church Planter. Because of the in-depth nature of the recommendation some people find it useful to download the questions in order to write their responses in another application before copying, pasting, and submitting their responses using this form.

  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. What has led them to feel a call to pursue church planting? How have others confirmed their interest in church planting? 2. What city, location, and/or type of target group do they anticipate ministering among? How does this fit with their upbringing, church experience, etc.? 3. What makes them want to be a Vineyard church? 4. What are some examples of times when they have taken initiative to begin and follow through with a project or ministry? 5. What is their gut feeling or emotional response when they think about the risks involved in planting a church (i.e., finances, family, emotional stress, etc.)?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. What kind of church do they envision? How does this compare with their current/ past church experiences? 2. Describe any experience they have had in organizing and leading teams of people? 3. How have they inspired or excited people about an area of ministry or project in which they were involved (i.e., business or school project, small group, prayer team, mission trip, youth group, etc.)? 4. How would they answer to someone who is asking them “why plant a new church”? 5. Describe the role that prayer, fasting, Bible study, etc have played in their life in overcoming individual or corporate challenges.
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. What are the characteristics of a disciple and how would they build these characteristics into the life of a new believer? 2. Give an example of the type of small groups they have led? How did they train and release other to serve in the group? 3. How would they decide which areas of ministry individuals in a new church plant should participate in? 4. Explain a time when they have had to correct or confront someone about an area in his or her life? What was it like for them?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. In what ways have they gathered people to groups or projects in the past 2. What plans would they have for gathering new people in a church plant? 3. What ideas do they have about how they would assimilate newcomers into relationship with them and then get them involved in the church? 4. To what degree does spending time with people give them energy or tire them? If married, are there differences between them and their spouse? How have they dealt with this in the past? 5. How have they been vulnerable or transparent to help others feel free to do the same?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. Explain what training or experience they have had in teaching or preaching? At what point is their progress in understanding and teaching the Bible? 2. How would they describe their style of teaching? What are areas that they would like to improve? 3. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in teaching? 4. How would they combine careful planning and listening to God to decide their topics and approach to weekly teaching? 5. How well are they able to talk about their thoughts and feelings with others? 6. What would they like a visitor to experience from the time they drive up until the time they leave their worship gathering? What values does each part of the gathering communicate?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. Tell me about the last time that they participated in leading someone to Jesus? 2. Describe any experience they have had in training other to lead their friends to Jesus? What approach would they take in a church plant? 3. What kinds of activities or strategies would they use to reach their target group?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. How do they currently manage your own time? What have they found to be the best process for them in planning? 2. How would they make decisions in church planting? How do they respond to opposition to their plans? 3. Based on their needs, personality, and gifts what kinds of leaders do they need to place around them to be more effective? 4. What would be their top priorities for the first two years of church planting? 5. How good are they at seeking God for answers, asking for advice, and getting more training?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. How do they approach budgeting and spending? What kind of budgeting or financial planning experience have they had? 2. Has personal debt or controlling credit card spending ever been a problem for them? Please explain. 3. How faithful and consistent would they say they are in tithing and giving generous offerings? How long have they been tithing? 4. How comfortable would they say they are with teaching Biblical principles of giving and asking others to financially support the work to which God has called them?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. What exposure have they had to Vineyard values, styles, and methods? 2. What values of the Vineyard are most important to them? 3. Are they familiar with the Vineyard’s Theological and Philosophical Statements? To what extent do they agree with them? 4. Describe their first experiences with the Vineyard. How well do they feel the Vineyard fits with who they are? 5. What extent of experience have they had ministering in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit? How comfortable are they in leading or training other to function in kingdom ministry?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. If married, how do they and their spouse use their gifts and talents to complement each other? (If single: How well developed are their friendships? Whom do they look to as a main sources of emotional support?) 2. Rate themselves on their ability to make personal friends together. (If single: How well do they maintain healthy boundaries between themselves and persons of the opposite sex? Are there any unresolved sexual temptations that might lead them into moral failure?) 3. To what degree does their spouse feel a call to church planting? Are there any issues with children that would make it difficult? (If single: How do their parents or other family members feel about the possibility of them planting a Vineyard church?) 4. How would they assess their ability to pray together as a couple? (If single: How do they feel about planting a church as a single person?).
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. Have they ever had their integrity challenged or their motives questioned? If so, how did they handle it? 2. How do they deal with people they feel are difficult? How have they handled someone quitting or not following through on a commitment? 3. Explain a time when they received correction from one of their leaders. How did they respond? 4. How do they handle crisis situations? To what degree are they able to maintain a positive attitude? 5. What is one of the most painful experiences they have had? How has this affected their life?
  • Here are sample questions we ask to determine this: 1. How have they responded to emotionally, physically, or spiritual difficult seasons in their life? 2. What spiritual disciplines have they practiced? As a general rule, how much time a day do they set aside for prayer, worship, and Bible study? 3. How have they or will they balance ministry and their own spiritual growth? 4. Is there any area of their life or character in which they are currently struggling with sin?