Vineyard Justice Network

Empowering Vineyard pastors and leaders to pursue and enact the justice of God's kingdom

How can VJN can help you?

VJN equips Vineyard leaders to connect with key issues of structural injustice and leadership such as ending poverty, human trafficking, immigration issues, racial reconciliation, and environmental stewardship.

We believe that all Vineyard churches inherently have issues of justice ingrained in their DNA and offer holistic wisdom to our churches, along with many easily-accessed resources for getting started and growing with a missional, kingdom-centered approach.

Kathy Maskell - VJN Specialist

Reach out to Kathy and the VJN team to see how they can help your church engage with issues of justice and God's kingdom. 

He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, and the Lord loves the righteous.