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One church in multiple locations

How can a Multisite approach help you?

A multisite church is one church in multiple locations. Each location shares a common vision and mission. This is different than church planting, in that a church plant is a brand new, autonomous church with its own vision and mission. The leadership gifts needed for each expression are very different and we’ve designed our process to help identify and support potential campus pastors and churches.

What We Offer

Free Multisite Pre and Post Launch Coaching
Meet regularly with a coach throughout the discernment, planning, execution, and evaluation of the process. During these meetings, your coach will spell out the tensions and roadblocks you may face as you launch your site, as well as provide resources to assist you along the way.

Free Care and Coaching for Campus Pastors
Being a campus pastor comes with it’s own sets of difficulties that can often be overcome with encouragement and accountability from an outside source. Our Multisite Team offers pastoral care and coaching specific to the concerns of a campus pastor.

Free On-site Visits
Our Multisite Team is available for on-site visits before, during, or after the launch of your new site. Having an experienced leader attend your first launch service can be very helpful. Our team can often identify potential problems and suggest solutions on the spot during launch weekends.

More from the blog on Multisites >

More video resources on Multisites >

Corey Garris | Multisite Specialist

Corey has years of experience supporting and developing multisite churches across the country. If you would like to learn more about the model, or if you think this might be a path your church considers for the future, we’d love the chance to talk with you.

Multisite by the Numbers

  • 6+ million people attend a multisite church in North America.
  • Multisite campuses have a 90 percent success rate.
  • Only half of multisite churches utilize video.
  • One in four multisites have a campus in another language.
  • The majority of multisite campuses are within a 30 minute drive of the original campus
  • 75 of the largest 100 churches in North America have multiple campuses.
  • Average size of a church going multisite: 850.
  • Average size of a multisite campus: 361.
  • Average weekend attendance of a multisite church: 1,300.
  • The majority of multisite campuses are within a 30 minute drive of the original campus.

Multisite Resources

Our Multisite Team as assembled the very best learnings and resources from Vineyard multisite churches and other model experts including video, documents, & other tools.

Free eBook: Mobile Church

This eBook is a guide for portable church equipment selection.